Tuesday, 15 November 2016

End of TAG Self Evaluation using Solo Taxonomy

Sadly TAG is finished for the year.

We pretended there was a huge NZ wide contest that we could win fantastic prices if our Arts production won.

Mrs Maw made up a brand new, never before heard, legend and we each had to think about the way we could use the Arts to retell it to other people.

We even practiced acting and dancing it out while 1 by 1 we told Mrs Maw what we would do in our Arts production.

After we each shared how we would do it and Mrs Maw put them in a table depending on how many different Arts we used in our retelling. 

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Illustrating one of our legends settings.

We looked at a variety of sea images and then used pastels to illustrate them.

Take a look at our work.